Thursday, November 17, 2011

Day 2 - The C25K Program

I went back to the C25K program today. I'd started it back at the beginning of the year and stopped, (see I told you I was a habitual quitter), but today felt different. Maybe it was because I'm taking this running thing a lot more serious or maybe it was because I was just highly motivated today but I'm very glad that my runs are turning more and more exciting.

C25K is great for me because it gives me a proven plan to go by. I've tried to just do things on my own and every time I've tried to "wing it" its always ended up ugly. Not only that but C25K works me up slow enough to keep me motivated and eager for more.

I actually ended up adding a few more minutes at the end of the plan today because I was filling that good! I was pleased with my results, but more importantly, I felt better because I didn't "over due" it. That's how I felt with my run on Day 1 , like I was overdoing it. I wasn't using a plan then and I can tell it's a big difference today.

Here are my results using the C25K program...

(2.3 mi, 36 min - 15:39 pace)

It's too soon to tell, but in my opinion, that's pretty good! I know one thing though, it FELT great!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Day 1

Today marks the beginning. The beginning of a lot of new things for me I'm hoping. I have to admit that I'm pretty disappointed with my results but what can I expect from myself considering I've put on a bit of weight over the years and gotten myself really out of shape.

Today I weighed myself and I'm pretty embarrassed to admit it but I now weigh in at 190 lbs!! That's the most I've EVER weighed my entire life! All through high school and up to about a couple of years ago I was never able to break 140-145. And now I have 190 glaring at me. I'm not saying I'm that overweight by any means. But I do know that I am extremely out of shape. I know this because I had a long chat with the treadmill today.

I jumped on the treadmill since it's been raining outside (I wasn't going to let that be an excuse for me not to start) and I found out real quick where I stand at the beginning of this journey.

I started out with a brisk walk to get myself warmed up and ready and then I would occasionally run for 2-3 minutes at a time and then go back to walking. I repeated this cycle for well over an hour. My final outcome was as follows...

(3.58 mi, 01:05 - 18:09 pace)

That looks pitiful doesn't it??

In my younger days I would have laughed at those results but now that it is where I find myself now it motivates me to try harder. I was so tired when I finished this workout. Not only that but (pardon the total honesty) I almost threw up with about 6 minutes to go! How I made it without actually doing the deed is beyond me! I'm just glad I did!

I guess I could sulk and be disappointed with my results but the main thing is that I'm actually doing something about it now right? I'm actually determined to get better results and get myself in much better shape. One day I will look back on this post and see a time in my life where I was totally out of control. And yet, at the same time, I will look at this post and see where the beginning of something great finally started.

Day one is in the history books and the future is waiting!

Monday, November 14, 2011

The Catalyst

THE medal from the Louisville mini. Isn't she a beauty?!
All my life I've always been a habitual quitter. I've started and stopped so many different things that it would be impossible to name them all. It's not easy for me to admit I'm a quitter, but I feel like in order for me to accomplish the goals I want to accomplish I must start with the truth.

I could have (should have) had this medal that you see to your left. But instead, I quit like I always do.


On Saturday morning, 11/12/11, my friend, Rebecca, ran the Louisville Half Marathon. One in which I was supposed to run with her. Rebecca is a great friend of the family and she's ran a lot of minis, 5K's and 10K's and she's the one who has been in my ear for over a year now to start running. She makes not only a great friend but also a great motivator and resource for me to go to when it comes to all things running.

She posted the picture you see above on facebook once she completed the mini. As soon as I seen that picture my eyes almost came out of my head!! I could have kicked myself because I too could have gotten that medal. It was the first time I ever realized how much I've missed out on because I've been a quitter. My heart sank!

Not only is the medal just awesome with its skyline of the city of Louisville design, but it is also dipped in Makers Mark wax!

I was crushed when I seen the pictures of it. Crushed beyond ever having been crushed before. And that is why I've decided to let that disappointment be my Catalyst. It's why I've started this blog. And it's why I'm inviting you to take this journey with me and help hold me accountable to break my habit of quitting.

This time I'm serious. This time it's for real.

The name of this blog is a reference to a verse in 2 Samuel I found one day when reading my Bible. I thought it was neat and knew it would serve a great purpose somewhere one day. I didn't know then that I would end up starting a blog just about running nor did I think it would end up being my blogs title. I'm glad I ran across it and I think it makes a great title don't you?

So with that being said, lets start this amazing journey together. I promise to be real and I promise to be truthful. And all I ask in return is that you would do the same. Let's come together and motivate each other to reach new heights and accomplish new goals! I'm excited and looking forward to meeting all of you and hearing your stories!